Friday, December 19, 2008

Perhaps We Didn't Properly Explain the Concept of the Fort

Jeff and I recently had to replace our ancient dishwasher (seen here)

with the kind that you can put soap into, press a magical button, and you get the idea.

So we decided to make a fort with the leftover box - complete with a "No Girls Allowed" sign - thinking The Kid would enjoy playing inside it.

But it turns out that he actually prefers to use it as a parking garage for our yoga ball, and instead, he would rather play on top of it, using it as leverage to whack his bed with a bat,

or, of course, to climb into his bed

or to gain some extra height for jumping to the ground.

What? That isn't what your children do with a fort?


Patricia said...

I love how he's wearing his bike helmet almost all the time. Safety first!

Devon said...

Yep, the helmet has an Elmo sticker on the back. It turns out that the secret for getting him to do anything is to wrap it up in Elmo and put a bow around it.

The Matthew Family Est. 2005 said...

Annnnnd now I'm scared of having a boy! Ha ha ha:)