Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where Have all the Good Blog Titles Gone?

So I knew that I was a little late to jump on the blogging bandwagon, but I had no idea just how late until I tried to create a blog title. Or is it username? Clearly I have a lot to learn about this here technology, so bear with me. (Much like Blogger did, as I tested a gazillion blog title variations hoping to find one that wasn't already taken by someone with much more foresight.)

For those of you that don't know me, I chose the title "Of Moose and Me" to represent my locale - Alaska (aka "the 907!") and my favorite topic of conversation.

So why join the blogosphere now? I desperately need a place to post pictures of my son, The Kid, who will be joined in a few months by his future sibling, The Other Kid. I have been banned from emailing my obscene amount of photos to my friends and family who need the mailbox space for more important things. Like mail.


Anonymous said...

Well there are no good titles left as you saved the best for last! So glad you were banned, because this way we will get more photos and more information. Don't worry if you get stuck with the tech stuff, mom will help out!

Devon said...

Thanks, mom. I definitely need all the help I can get!